2 comments on “Home

  1. I have been searching for somewhere that allows open studio! Can you describe how this would work? Hours, pricing, if i am able to do all the work there or have to bring the clay home and come back for glazing? Look forward to hearing from you, thanks!

    • We do have three categories of studio space.

      1. $125 per month give you one shelf. Studio time is limited from 10 to 5 M-Sat and 11 to 3 on Sundays.
      We do not have studio time while classes are in session. Please check calendar for class schedules.

      2. $100 for a 10 hour studio card. Same rules applies– no shelf

      3. $20 Open Studio – 3 hours — no shelf

      Clay must be purchased at Manassas Clay and includes one bisque (cone 06) glaze (cone 5)

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